Charles Medical Group Blog
Can You Really Lose Hair Due To Stress?
There’s an old saying that stress will make you go gray, but can stress really make your hair fall out? Well, yes, but, there is more to it, or everyone would have hair loss!!! Permanent hair loss isn’t caused by stress alone, but it can definitely lead to temporary hair loss in men & women. […]
What is the Psychology Behind a “Good Hair Day”?
A “good hair day”; does this come from more than just waking up on the right side of the bed & locks landing precisely where we want them? Do our “dos” say more emotionally, as well as aesthetically in life? For the most part, people accept that looks are important to some extent. When it […]
Laser Light Hair Therapy – Boca Raton Follicle Stimulation

Looking for a non-invasive way to regrow your hair and put a stop to hair loss? If so, you may be interested in the numerous benefits of laser light hair therapy. This revolutionary treatment operates on the concept of photo-biotherapy. Photo-biotherapy is when light wavelengths are used to rejuvenate cells. When the cells absorb laser […]
Can I Resume My Active Lifestyle After FUE?

When asked, more and more people say they have heard of Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), but very few truly understand what the procedure does. This uncertainty leads many who may otherwise be interested in FUE to wonder if they can continue a highly active lifestyle after it. The answer to this question is absolutely! FUE […]
Recovery After ARTAS – Healing Time Boca Raton

Don’t wait and stand by while your hair slowly disappears – do something about it with ARTAS! This cutting-edge technique is ideal for hair restoration. Many patients are curious: What is recovery like for ARTAS hair transplantation? Many procedures require a longer healing time, which is inconvenient and causes patients to be unable to perform […]
Long-Lasting Hair Growth – Boca Raton Hair Transplant

Are you getting frustrated watching your hair disappear? You need a long-lasting hair-restoration solution. Long-lasting hair growth can be yours with the help of the ARTAS follicle-grafting technique! When hairs are moved from the back of the head to the bare or thinning regions of the scalp, they will stay healthy and keep growing in […]
Eyebrow Transplant in Boca Raton

There are several reasons that can contribute to thinning or complete loss of eyebrow hair. Most people don’t realize how important their eyebrows are to their appearance until they are compromised or lost altogether. Dr. Glenn Charles is a specialist in hair restoration of all forms and in all locations and offers eyebrow transplant surgery […]
ARTAS vs. NeoGraft —Follicular Unit Excision

In the early years of Follicular Unit Excision, doctors would use manual devices that took a team of about eight to ten members to get the job done. Even with this big of a team, the process would take several hours to complete. These days, however, you can receive hair-restoration treatment that delivers impeccable results […]
ARTAS Follicle Harvesting – vs. Hair Plugs Boca Raton

One older method of hair restoration was the hair plug method. Our ARTAS follicle grafting makes hair plugs a thing of the past. With the specific technique involved in our ARTAS follicle harvesting, results look natural and healthy. The technique behind hair plugs involves the harvesting of large groupings of follicles from other parts of […]
Laser Hair Therapy – Boca Raton Non-Invasive

Hair loss is a frustrating and difficult experience. Many patients who are looking to regrow hair do not want to undergo invasive hair-restoration procedures. To help these patients regrow hair, we offer state-of-the-art non-invasive non-surgical laser hair therapy. One of the effects of this procedure is that it boosts the scalp’s blood supply. Even a […]