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Category Archives: General

How the ARTAS System Provides Long-Lasting Results

At Charles Medical Group, our goal is to provide you with natural-looking and long-lasting results from your hair-restoration procedure. Thanks to the technology behind the ARTAS hair-transplant system, the survival rate of transplanted hairs has been significantly increased, which allows us to provide excellent results. One of the main benefits of the ARTAS system is […]

How Long Will My Results Last?

At Charles Medical Group, we strive to provide our patients with personalized care. That is why we take the time to listen to any questions or concerns they have regarding hair loss and hair-restoration solutions. One of the most frequently asked questions that we encounter is “How long will my results last?” This is an […]

Increasing the Survival Rate of Transplanted Hairs

The ARTAS hair-transplant system offers a minimally invasive way to restore the full appearance of your hair. The advanced technology behind the ARTAS system offers a number of benefits that make it easier to deliver natural-looking and long-lasting results. Two key aspects of the ARTAS system are its incredible precision and its ability to retain […]

What Is Traction Alopecia?

There are a lot of factors that can lead to hair loss, like a person’s genetics. One factor that many people may not be aware of is their hairstyle. Wearing your hair in a ponytail, braids, or pigtails places the hair and hair follicles under an immense amount of strain, because they are tightly pulled […]

Treating Hair Loss in Women

Many people believe that hair-restoration treatments are specifically designed for or are more effective on male patients. Although a majority of hair-restoration patients are male, the treatments we offer at Charles Medical Group are very effective on both men and women. Over the last decade, more and more women have pursued hair-restoration treatments to restore […]

What Is S.H.A.R.P.?

Science plays an important roll when it comes to developing innovative and effective treatments for hair restoration. The Scalp Hair Amnion/Chorion Rejuvenation Process (S.H.A.R.P.) is a testament to the research and ingenuity that goes into these advancements. S.H.A.R.P. is a unique procedure that utilizes the growth factors and nutrients found in the placenta. After a […]

The Benefits of PRP

Our blood is packed with essential nutrients and growth factors that can stimulate the healing process and speed up cellular growth. In order to take advantage of these benefits, the components of the blood that contain these nutrients and growth factors need to be separated and isolated. The result of this process is platelet rich […]

The Importance of Your Evaluation

Although hair-restoration procedures have seen a number of advancements and have provided numerous patients with satisfying results, hair transplantation is still not an exact science. Patients can see noticeably different results based on a number of factors, including the type of procedure they choose to undergo, their rate of hair loss, and the amount of […]

How Long Will It Take to See My Full Results?

One of the most common questions people have prior to their hair-transplantation procedure is in regards to how long it will take for their scalp to heal and their hair to look normal. Although this varies between patients based on the amount of hair being transplanted, the choice of procedures, and the patient’s body processes, […]

How Long Will My Procedure Take?

One of the most common questions people have about the ARTAS hair-transplantation procedure is “How long will the procedure take?” There is no direct answer to this question, because the length of the procedure will vary from patient to patient based on the amount of hair being transplanted and the results they are trying to […]

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