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Category Archives: General

Robotic Harvesting – Hair Follicles Boca Raton

Patients who are experiencing hair loss and are interested in regaining that full head of hair come into our office for ARTAS hair transplantation. Our hair transplantation is efficient and effective due in part to our robotic harvesting technology. Robotic harvesting is a hair-graft-harvesting method that involves the use of ARTAS technology. Thanks to its […]

Facial Hair Transplant Boca Raton

The loss of hair is traumatic whether it is on the head or the face and can make a person feel self-conscious, have lowered self-confidence, and just feel not quite themselves. The Facial Hair Transplant Boca Raton has helped many people achieve facial hair restoration after beards, mustaches or sideburns have been damaged due to […]

Simple & Effective Hair Loss Treatments

With some new scientific advances, you would think that by now there should be some cure for hair loss in both sexes. That notion is unfortunately wrong. There has not been a great breakthrough in reversal of hair loss in recent years. There are very effective treatments but they are not revolutionary. Hair loss treatment […]

Are More Black Woman Suffering Hair Loss?

Female hair loss occurs in all races. However, recently Dermatologists reports African American women in particular seem to be a growing trend. Why is that? A simple answer would be the extensive styles like extensions, braids and weaves as well as the styling aids used to create the look. Typically women who begin to lose […]

How Does Male Pattern Baldness Occur?

Many men ask themselves one particular question on a regular basis. They wonder if or when they will suffer from hair loss. When a man loses his hair, there are a few variables that could be causing this. Genetic hair loss is arguably the reason why certain men go bald. It is not uncertain whether […]

International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery

Dr. Glenn M. Charles is proud to be affiliated with the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) whose mission is to to achieve excellence in patient outcomes by promoting member education, international collegiality, research, ethics, and public awareness. The vision is to establish the ISHRS as the leading unbiased authority in hair restoration surgery. […]

Interested in FUE hair transplantation

Question:I am interested in FUE hair transplantation surgery. Is this the only type of hair transplant that you do? What are the odds of success of the surgery? Answer:I perform two main types of hair transplantation surgery. Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), is the first type and requires individual excisions of the follicular units from the […]

I am a 48-year-old woman looking to change the texture of my hair

Question:I am a 48-year-old woman looking to change the texture of my hair. Would getting laser hair removal and then a hair transplant succeed in making my curly hair straighter? Answer:No, this would not be a good idea to change the texture of someone’s hair by trying to do complete laser hair removal on the […]

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