ARTAS vs. NeoGraft —Follicular Unit Excision

In the early years of Follicular Unit Excision, doctors would use manual devices that took a team of about eight to ten members to get the job done. Even with this big of a team, the process would take several hours to complete. These days, however, you can receive hair-restoration treatment that delivers impeccable results using half the time and manpower.
Follicular Unit Excision is the best available technique on the market for hair restoration. NeoGraft and ARTAS are both automated devices to help assist in the process of hair excision.
NeoGraft is the first minimally invasive FDA-approved automated hair transplant system. With NeoGraft, the machine extracts and suctions up individual hair follicles.
ARTAS, on the other hand, is a newer robotic assistant device that extracts the graft without the suction process. The graft is manually pulled as a way to prevent dehydration of the follicle from the air-suctioning process, which can cause damage to the follicle.
ARTAS also has a robotic arm and a computerized 3-D targeting system for greater accuracy. To learn more about the differences between ARTAS and NeoGraft, contact our office in Boca Raton.