Men’s Hair Loss

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is a very common problem. 85% of men experience hair loss and suffer from thinning hair by the time they are 50 years old. Some start losing their hair even before they are 21 years of age.
Reasons for Hair Loss
The most common reason for hair loss is male pattern baldness. It is a genetic trait that you inherit from your parents. Hair loss or baldness of this type is irreversible. A hormone called DHT is responsible for male pattern baldness. Hair follicles shrink because of the DHT hormone. A time comes when the follicles become so small that no new hair can grow there.
Men lose hair because of other reasons as well. Some examples include reaction to some medication, excess or inadequate vitamin A in the body, insufficient protein in the body, illness, thyroid problems, extreme stress, a poor diet, and dandruff. Hair loss caused by these reasons is generally reversible.
Hair loss can be treated if not cured. There are several ways of treating hair loss. Severe hair loss makes you conscious about your looks. It can also lead to loss of confidence in some men. More and more men are relying on medications and hair transplants to control their hair loss problems.
Medications can be used to slow down hair loss. Male pattern baldness can be controlled by using FDA-approved ointments such as Minoxidil. When applied to the scalp regularly, it slows down hair loss and helps to grow new hair. But if you discontinue using these medicines, hair loss will occur again.
Prescription pills such as Finasteride slow down the DHT hormone. As a result, the hair follicles do not shrink so much. It allows for the growth of new hair. You have to continue using such pills to see continued results.
Shampoos such as Nioxin are useful in controlling hair loss as well. It is a lot more effective than the regular shampoos. It is available as an over-the-counter medicine.
In a hair transplant, healthy hair is taken from the back and sides of your head and planted at the top of your head. After two months, you will automatically lose this newly planted hair to allow newer hair to grow in their place. In six months, you will have a head full of normal-looking and naturally growing hair. With hair transplant procedures, the results are long-lasting and impressive.
Prevention of Hair Loss
Hair loss cannot be completely avoided. It can, however, be delayed and controlled. The first step towards preventing hair loss would be keeping your hair and scalp clean. Use a mild shampoo to treat dandruff. You can use anti-dandruff or medicated shampoos. Improve your health by following a balanced diet. Treat any hormonal imbalances. Always check your iron and vitamin B levels.
Set Up a Consultation
If your hair loss is worrying you, talk to an expert today. Dr. Glenn Charles, a hair-regrowth specialist, will explain your options and help you make an informed decision. Contact our office for a consultation.