Simple & Effective Hair Loss Treatments

With some new scientific advances, you would think that by now there should be some cure for hair loss in both sexes. That notion is unfortunately wrong. There has not been a great breakthrough in reversal of hair loss in recent years. There are very effective treatments but they are not revolutionary. Hair loss treatment is something that you can do research on and it will take you all around the web. We’ve decided to do the work for you!
According to WebMD, hair loss can be a result of many factors. For instance, Hair loss in women can be linked to Vitamin deficiency, problems with menopause, Thyroid or other problems. For men on the other hand, large amounts of testosterone can cause hair loss. The most common is male pattern baldness, which is a genetic trait passed between one parent or another. The typical brushing, styling & combing hair myth is wrong. The famous hat myth is also false and will not contribute to baldness.
If you have the baldness gene there are plenty of natural approaches to making your hair stronger and healthier. These also include slowing the process of hair loss significantly. Ultimately these remedies will not cure baldness by any means but will be a sort of maintenance for your hair for a long period of time.
Hair loss is literally out of your hands. You can’t do anything if you have the genetics favoring this. Don’t be discouraged though, this should not ruin your parade! There is still give hope for the millions of people out there dealing with this problem. Want to get your full hair back? Want to prolong the idea of becoming bald? Below are some simple solutions to this problem:
According to various Health websites including WebMD & Men’s Fitness, probably one of the best hair loss treatments is proper nutrition. Vitamins are also very helpful in suppressing hair loss to an extent. Vitamin B is especially important for the forming of hair cells. Foods that lack Vitamin B can lead to hair loss, so stick to your high protein foods with healthy greens, and meats.
Medicinal treatments can work to your advantage. Top Consumer Reviews has the Provillus treatment as the best option to regrow hair over time. This treatment has a high amount of positive reviews. Provillus is a product that has a two-step solution to hair loss. The first step is using a topical scalp treatment and the 2nd step is to use an oral supplement. These work well for both men and women of all ages.
Many people may shun the idea of having surgery because of a hair loss but some procedures out there are very effective and easy. These surgeries such as Dr. Charles’ ARTAS Hair Transplant use precision robotic technology planting individual grafts of hair onto the scalp. These procedures are done with little anesthesia. Recovery for these procedures are about 10 days or less. The cost for any of these procedures ranges from $3,500 – $15,000.
There are many other treatments being examined, but don’t give up on your hair. Whether you are a male or female, of any age there are new treatments that develop almost daily. Try as many as you can and decide what might work best for you!
For more information contact Dr. Glenn Charles at 866-395-5544!