Hair is an integral part of our identity and overall appearance, often considered a symbol of youth and vitality. But beyond its aesthetic value, hair is a complex biological feature composed of several parts, each with a vital role in its health and growth. Understanding these parts can shed light on how we approach hair loss and restoration.

Hair is an integral part of our identity and overall appearance, often considered a symbol of youth and vitality. But beyond its aesthetic value, hair is a complex biological feature composed of several parts, each with a vital role in its health and growth. Understanding these parts can shed light on how we approach hair loss and restoration.

Hair Follicle: The Growth Engine

At the core of hair anatomy is the hair follicle, a dynamic organ located deep within the scalp skin. This structure is responsible for the growth of hair strands. It is here that the hair’s life cycle begins, which includes the phases of growth (anagen), transition (catagen), and rest (telogen). A healthy hair follicle is crucial for the continuous regeneration of hair.

Hair loss can often be attributed to the miniaturization of hair follicles, a common characteristic of androgenetic alopecia, where follicles shrink due to hormonal and genetic factors, leading to thinner hair and eventual hair loss. Charles Medical Group approaches this concern with treatments like Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), which transplant healthy, robust follicles to areas where hair thinning has occurred.

Hair Root: The Anchor

The hair root is hidden within the follicle, below the scalp’s surface. It is the part of the hair that is attached to the follicle, anchoring the hair into the skin. The root is fed by blood vessels that provide the necessary nutrients for hair growth. When the root is well-nourished, hair growth is optimized.

In cases where hair loss is due to poor scalp health or compromised blood flow, Charles Medical Group offers treatments like Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), which stimulates the scalp and encourages increased blood circulation, promoting healthier hair roots and potentially reversing miniaturization.

Hair Shaft: The Visible Part

The shaft is the portion of hair that we see, the part that grows out from the scalp. Composed of a protein called keratin, the hair shaft is subject to environmental stressors and can become damaged over time, leading to breakage and a lackluster appearance.

Protecting and maintaining the shaft is essential for a full and healthy head of hair. Non-surgical options such as Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) can create the illusion of density in areas where the hair shaft has thinned, complementing existing hair for a fuller look.

Advancements in Hair Restoration

Modern hair restoration techniques have become increasingly sophisticated, allowing for treatments that work in harmony with the natural hair anatomy. The ARTAS robotic system, for example, uses advanced algorithms and precision robotics to extract healthy follicles with minimal damage, ensuring the integrity of both the root and shaft during the procedure.

Similarly, the WAW FUE system utilized by Charles Medical Group is designed to minimize trauma to the scalp and hair follicles, leading to faster healing and more effective results. By carefully considering the natural structure of hair, these advanced techniques offer seamless and natural-looking outcomes.


Every part of the hair anatomy plays a critical role in the overall health and appearance of your locks. By understanding the function of the follicle, root, and shaft, individuals can take proactive steps to address hair concerns and seek out the most appropriate restoration treatments. With the expertise of Dr. Glenn Charles and the innovative options available at Charles Medical Group, patients have access to a range of solutions tailored to their unique hair anatomy and restoration needs. Whether through surgical procedures or non-invasive therapies, the goal is always to achieve a healthy, full head of hair that looks as natural as possible.