Im 39 years old and i had 6 transplants back in the early 90′s that i was really unhappy with. I waited this long to face my fear and go back to trying to fix them. I picked dr charles based on his love and passion for his work. It was so much different (in a good way) than before. I would have told anyone to stay away from hair transplants untill i met my buddy pal glen charles. Whenever i asked him a question about hair, his face lights up and he becomes so into it . I knew at that point i wanted him to work on me. Also he is a very cool guy. As far as how my hair will look, it will be limited because of all the bad transplants prior. However i think it will look much better. I would say now is the time to get hair transplants, between technology and great doctors it is safe to make the plunge

who knows, i may become addicted to getting hair transplants now.