“The Real Truth:

Before selecting a doctor like anything I do I reach it to the MAX weather it is a product, Dr. or anything. Being in technology usually I can dig up some type of bad review/problem/dirt on someone. I must stay Dr. Glenn M. Charles totally came up clean and was praised by everyone legitimate who used him. But you will always find that one person to say something bad and they never can explain why so I just disregard. I went in for a free consultation met with Dr. Charles he didn’t play any games, no pressure, no used car sales tactics or ambiguities or omissions. He was just straight up front this is what you are going to get and this is what you should expect and this is my portfolio of real clients and told me I should shop around if I like. Believe me he is not hurting for business that tells you something. How refreshing this was and how all business should be done… I just had my hair transplant surgery 2216 grafts… Anyone who has been contemplating about taking the leap and having this surgery done, let me tell you… The surgery is child’s play!!! It is so easy, pain free you are much worst off going to the dentist and having a cavity drilled and crown put in. The day of the surgery you come in meet with Dr. Charles go over the procedure and he shows you exactly what he is going to do. You than lay back and relax in a surgery chair with your TV remote control. Dr Charles quickly numbs your head and I mean you feel nothing. His team who I can tell really liked working with each other; most of them have been together for over 10 years with Dr Charles. The procedure took about 4 hours they bought me lunch and I actually started to doze off I was just so relax felt like getting a head message. When they finished Dr. Charles went over everything thoroughly with me and insisted that I call him on his cell with any questions it doesn’t get much better than that. The only problem I experienced was the night of the surgery at bedtime. I had a lot of discomfort with the back of my head trying to sleep lying on the sutures but not bad for the payoff. Bottom Line “GREAT JOB” Dr. Charles and if I knew it was going to be this easy I would have done this procedure years ago. VERY HAPPY CLIENT!!!”