Charles Medical Group Blog
Can hair be transplanted from one person to another
Question:Can hair be transplanted from one person to another if you have a limited donor supply? Answer:Transplanting hair follicles from one person to another is generally not recommended. It is physically possible to do but not recommended based on the likelihood the grafts would be rejected by the host from the donor. The risks of […]
I heard of other procedures like FUT and FIT in transplant procedures
Question:I heard of other procedures like FUT and FIT in transplant procedures offered by various doctors. Are these really just variations on FUE? Could they really be any better? Answer:FIT stands for follicular isolation technique and it was described by one specific doctor. That was his way of describing Follicular Unit Excision. Essentially FIT and […]
I am in my mid 20s and considering a hair transplant
Question:I am in my mid 20s and considering a hair transplant. If I do this at such a young age, will it still be a permanent solution? Answer:Yes. In most cases, no matter what age the patient is when they have a hair transplantation procedure, the results are for the most part permanent. In patients […]
Can you explain how PRP is made
Question:Can you explain how PRP is made? Answer:PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. It is made by doing between a 20 mL to 60 mL blood draw from the patient. The blood sample is placed in a centrifuge machine and the centrifuge spins at a very high rate separating the components of the blood. The separated […]
Can low-level laser therapy be used on everyone
Question:Can low-level laser therapy or LLLT be used on everyone and how effective is it? Answer:There are really no contraindications for the use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT). The only thing that I can think of off hand is if a patient had a prior reaction to exposure to this type of laser. The other […]
What are the benefits of using minoxidil after hair transplantation
Question:What are the benefits of using minoxidil after hair transplantation and how long is it used for? Answer:The theory is that minoxidil, the genetic form of Rogaine, used after hair transplantation has a benefit in helping to prevent shock hair loss of the pre-existing hairs in the transplanted area. It is generally recommended that the […]
How long after my hair transplant will I need to worry about sun exposure
Question:How long after my hair transplant will I need to worry about sun exposure? Is it okay to be in the sun as long as I am wearing a hat and will the hat negatively affect the transplant in any way? Answer:As long as a few days have gone by after the hair transplantation procedure, […]
My hair transplant was almost two months ago
Question:My hair transplant was almost two months ago and though I originally experienced very little pain, I am now experiencing some pain, more like pressure in my head. What can be done and should I be concerned? Answer:Any time a patient has pain several weeks after a hair transplantation procedure I recommend that they contact […]
I underwent an FUE transplant a little over a year ago
Question:I underwent an FUE transplant a little over a year ago. My results were excellent until a few months ago when the transplanted hairs began to fall out. Why is this happening and what can be done? Answer:It is possible that you are going through a period of telogen, which is where the hair follicles […]
If you have a second hair transplant will you then have a second scar
Question:If you have a second hair transplant will you then have a second scar? Answer:No, you do not have to have a second scar when having a second hair transplantation procedure. It is possible to remove the scar that is remaining from the first procedure during the second procedure. That is what I recommend to […]