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Charles Medical Group Blog

Difference between FUE and the strip method

Question:What is the difference between FUE and the strip method used in hair transplants? What are their advantages and disadvantages? Answer:The main difference between strip and Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) methods for hair transplantation procedures is the way the donor hair is retrieved from the donor area. With a strip procedure, a strip is taken […]

How much blood is removed to create PRP

Question:How much blood is removed to create PRP? Answer:When drawing blood for a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) procedure, generally we remove 60 cc of blood, drawn dorsally from the antecubital area. The antecubital area is the area on the inside of the elbow on the middle of the arm. This is a one time blood draw […]

Hair transplant differences for women than for men

Question:How is a hair transplant different for women than for men? Answer:The actual procedures that are performed, either follicular unit grafting (FUG) or Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) for hair restoration in both in men and women are performed in the same manner. The work-up necessary to determine if the patient is a candidate for hair […]

I hate the thought of being bald

Question:I am 43 and rank VII on the Norwood Scale. I hate the thought of being bald. I do not care if the hair will be as dense as it used to be, I just want some hair. What is the minimal number of grafts that you would need to take to put some hair […]

I have an extremely high, uneven hairline

Question:I am 31 years old, female and I have an extremely high, uneven hairline. I would like to bring it down on my forehead about three-quarters of an inch and reshape it. Can you give me an idea of how many grafts that would be and how long the procedure would take? Answer:A physician would […]

When do you recommend hair transplants

Question:When do you recommend hair transplants? Obviously there has to be some head hair to donate the hair follicles but I am thinking about the other end of the spectrum. There is still plenty of hair on my head. My hairline is just starting to recede and I rather it not. Can I come in […]

I am just starting to thin in my hairline

Question:I have been looking into low-level laser therapy. It seems to have a wide variety of medical uses from hair density to dermatology to sports medicine. I am just starting to thin in my hairline and would like to know if this is a good treatment for me at this time to slow down or […]

Interested in FUE hair transplantation

Question:I am interested in FUE hair transplantation surgery. Is this the only type of hair transplant that you do? What are the odds of success of the surgery? Answer:I perform two main types of hair transplantation surgery. Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), is the first type and requires individual excisions of the follicular units from the […]

I would like to try low-level laser therapy

Question:I am a 32-year-old male and starting to notice some hair loss. I would like to try low-level laser therapy before it gets worse. Do you suggest that I take a hair loss medication along with laser therapy? What type of medication would you recommend? Answer:I do recommend to most patients that are in the […]

I am almost a III on the Ludwig Scale

Question:I am female, 73 years old and have hair loss. I have ignored it for many years because it just was not that noticeable. Now it is quite noticeable and I am about to start wearing wigs. I am almost a III on the Ludwig Scale. How many grafts would I need? How long would […]

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