Charles Medical Group Blog
Exfoliation… For Your Locks?!

In the colder months, we focus on our skin and how the weather makes it dry, and scaly. People are quick to get that silky smooth skin using skin scrubs and exfoliators, but, we tend to neglect one very important area of skin…the scalp! Cold air and fake heat can dry out and damage our […]
The Importance of Offering FUE and FUT

If you are looking at the possibility of having a hair transplant, you want to make sure you have all of your options open. There are two different types of hair transplant: both Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Excision (FUE). Some practices specialize in one or the other, but we suggest you go […]
Five Common Myths About Hair Loss
When it comes to men (or women for that matter), there are myths everywhere when it comes to balding and hair loss. Let us clear up a couple of them for you in regards to losing your hair! 1. Chronic stress This one too is a yes-and-no kind of myth. It’s actually true that chronic […]
How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?
Should you be concerned when you finish taking a shower, look down and see a clump of hair on the floor? Probably not, but, it really depends HOW much hair we are talking about. On average, people lose between 50 to150 hairs per day. When people lose significantly more than this, it’s considered excessive hair […]
Things You May Not Have Known About Hair Loss in Men
Many men in their mid-20s tend to start getting a little concerned about hair loss, and have every reason to be, since a lot of men begin to experience male pattern baldness at around that age. On average, men tend to experience pattern baldness more than women. Baldness is very common, and can be caused […]
Can Your Workout & Diet Routine Affect Your Locks?

Numerous people made their new year’s resolutions to “eat healthier and work out more”. While this is a great goal, many people jump from 0 to 100 in a day in regards to work out and diet change. One of the more popular diets being “all green” vegan style diets. Ripping on a treadmill at […]
Pregnancy and Ways Hair Can Possibly Change

With the extreme ups and downs of hormones before, during, and after pregnancy, there are a lot changes the body will experience. One of which is how hair is affected. Here are a couple of different things that some women experience throughout their pregnancy! Change in TextureThere are many women that talk about their locks […]
Who is Performing Your Hair Transplant?
Patients face chances serious risk when unlicensed people perform hair restoration surgery. Over the years, there has been an increase influx of patients coming to our office seeking help due to a poor outcome from a prior hair transplant procedure performed by people that are not properly trained in hair restoration surgery. It is misleading […]
Have a Question? Ask Away!
When going in for a hair transplant (or any surgical procedure) you should feel confident and comfortable with the decision you have made and the surgeon you have picked! During your consultation don’t be afraid to ask questions, the more educated you are the better you are going to feel on procedure day! Not sure […]
Hair Facts You May Not Know!
Black is the most common hair color in the world. Red, which only exists in about 1% of the world’s population, is the rarest. Blonde hair comes in second, with only 2% percent of the population. Hair can grow almost anywhere on the body, except: the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, […]