Recognizing the Early Signs

A Widening Part: One of the most common early indicators of hair thinning is a part that gradually becomes wider. If you notice that more scalp is showing through your usual hairstyle, it’s time to take a closer look.

Noticeable Scalp: When your scalp becomes more visible through your hair, especially under bright lighting, it could be a sign of thinning. This is often more apparent after a shower or when your hair is wet.

Increased Shedding: Finding more hair on your pillow, in the shower drain, or on your brush can be alarming. While it’s normal to shed between 50-100 hairs a day, a noticeable increase could indicate the onset of thinning.

Changes in Hair Texture: Thinning may also manifest as changes in your hair’s texture. Your strands may feel finer or fail to hold styles as they once did.

Itchy or Sensitive Scalp: Sometimes, changes to scalp health such as increased dryness, itching, or sensitivity can precede hair thinning.

Understanding Contributing Factors

Genetics often play a significant role in hair thinning, with patterns of hair loss passed down from either side of the family. Lifestyle factors, including stress, diet, and hair care practices, can also influence the health of your hair. Medical conditions, hormonal imbalances, and medications might contribute to hair thinning, making it important to consider a comprehensive approach when addressing the issue.

Seeking Preventative Measures and Treatments

At Charles Medical Group, we believe that early intervention is key to effectively managing hair thinning. Our range of preventative measures and treatments include:

  • Medications: Prescription drugs like finasteride and over-the-counter solutions such as minoxidil can slow down hair loss and, in some cases, stimulate regrowth.
  • Laser Therapy: Technologies like the LaserCap® utilize low-level laser light to stimulate hair follicles and promote a healthier scalp.
  • Nutritional Support: Proper diet and supplementation can provide the necessary nutrients for maintaining hair health.
  • Scalp Health Treatments: Treatments like TED Hair Rejuvenation infuse the scalp with beneficial ingredients to support hair and scalp health.
  • Surgical Options: For those experiencing more significant thinning, surgical procedures such as Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) and Follicular Unit Grafting (FUG) can restore hair density.

The Importance of a Consultation

If you’re noticing signs of hair thinning, a consultation with Dr. Glenn Charles at Charles Medical Group can provide a clear diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan. With extensive experience in hair restoration, Dr. Charles offers a comprehensive evaluation to identify the underlying causes of your thinning hair and recommend the most effective course of action.


Spotting the first signs of hair thinning and understanding their implications is the first step towards preserving and enhancing your hair’s natural beauty. By recognizing early symptoms and seeking professional advice, you can take proactive measures to maintain the health and fullness of your hair. With the expertise of Charles Medical Group, you have access to a variety of treatment options tailored to your unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcome for your hair restoration journey.