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Charles Medical Group Blog

Do I need to wait until I stop losing hair before I get a hair transplant

Question:I have been procrastinating going in for a consultation for a hair transplant but every day I wash more hair down the drain. Do I need to wait until I stop losing hair before I get a hair transplant? Answer:No, it is recommended that when a patient starts noticing hair loss, especially if they have […]

Can you use a blood donor for PRP therapy

Question:Can you use a blood donor for PRP therapy? Answer:No, blood donors for platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is not recommended and I have never heard of this being done. There would have to be a significant amount of workup done to determine compatibility of a blood donor including blood typing and cross matching. The patient, […]

I have been a bald man for 20 years

Question:I have been a bald man for 20 years. I actually look similar to George from Seinfeld. I work in a large office and I do not want to show up one day with a full head of hair. Is there any way I can have the hair transplant broken up into different appointments so […]

I am a 62-year-old woman and would love to get a hair transplant

Question:I am a 62-year-old woman and would love to get a hair transplant because my hair is thinning on top but my problem is I dye my hair because it is turning gray. Will I be able to dye my new hair? Answer:Yes, after the hair has grown in from a hair transplantation procedure it […]

I have been wearing a hair piece for years

Question:I have been wearing a hair piece for years now but I would like to get a hair transplant. Do you have any tips for me when making the transition from hair piece to transplant without it being so obvious? Answer:The suggestions I have for patients who are wearing a hair system or some type […]

What percentage of transplanted hairs actually take

Question:What percentage of transplanted hairs actually take after hair transplantation procedures? Is this something that varies from doctor to doctor? Answer:The percentage of successful hair transplants during hair restoration surgery varies amongst patients and/or physicians. The patient’s health prior to surgery, the way they follow the post-operative instruction and just the individual characteristics of the […]

What are the crusts that form after a hair transplant

Question:What are the crusts that form after a hair transplant? When does this happen and how long does it last? Answer:The crusts that form after hair transplantation surgery are usually referred to as the scabs present over each of the grafts placed during the procedure. With proper washing of the scalp and following the other […]

I have a scar on the back of my head

Question:I have a scar on the back of my head from having a small benign tumor removed. I was wondering if it would be possible to camouflage this scar by transplanting hairs to the area or would it be better to just stick with some other sort of scar revision? Answer:The choice of whether or […]

What can I do after my hair transplant to help the scar heal

Question:What can I do after my hair transplant to help the scar heal well and minimize its appearance? Answer:The patient should follow the physician’s post-operative instructions very strictly to ensure proper healing of the donor area initially. Once the sutures or staples have been removed, the patient is given instructions on some topical products such […]

After my hair transplant how will I need to take care of the donor area

Question:After my hair transplant how will I need to take care of the donor area? Answer:Immediately following hair transplantation surgery instructions are given to the patient regarding hair washing and cleansing the donor area where the sutures and/or staples have been placed. Sometimes physicians who perform hair transplantation surgery will recommend to the patient using […]

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