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Category Archives: Plastic Surgery

Difference between a slit graft and a punch graft

Question:Is there a difference between a slit graft and a punch graft and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Answer:Yes, there is a difference between a slit graft and a punch graft. A slit graft is a linear or rectangular shaped graft that can have anywhere from two to six hair follicles present […]

Does hair color affect hair transplant

Question:How does hair color affect hair transplant results? Answer:Hair color is one of the key characteristics of an individual patient that can have a significant bearing on the results of a hair restoration procedure. In cases where a patient has darker hair and lighter skin and there is greater contrast between the two, it often […]

How does curly hair respond to hair transplantation

Question:How does curly hair respond to hair transplantation? Answer:Generally curly hair transplantation works out very well. The hair above the surface of the scalp in a hair restoration procedure that is curly tends to cover more area and appears to be more hair than the number of grafts that were transplanted. This is in comparison […]

How effective is mesotherapy

Question:How effective is mesotherapy in treating hair loss or growing hair? Answer:Mesotherapy has been used in hair transplantation and/or hair restoration for several years. There are currently no significant studies that have been performed that can prove that mesotherapy has any profound affect on either slowing down hair loss or hair regrowth. There is also […]

How soon after my hair transplant can I work out

Question:How soon after my hair transplant can I get back to my work-out routine at the gym? Are there any special precautions I need to take? Answer:I recommend that patients wait at least seven days before resuming light work-outs. This includes both cardiovascular work-outs and weight lifting. After seven days, I do allow all weight […]

Is it possible to grow long hair after a hair transplant

Question:Is it possible for a guy to grow long hair after a hair transplant, long enough to wear a ponytail? Before and after pictures never show guys with long hair. Answer:Yes, it is possible for a patient who had a hair transplant to allow the hair to grow to a length where a ponytail could […]

I have very short hair is FUE the best option for me

Question:If I wear my hair very short is FUE the best option for me? Answer:Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) can be good in people who wear short hair or long hair. Just because a patient has short hair prior to considering a hair transplantation procedure would not mean that FUE would be the only proper procedure […]

How do you avoid having a hair transplant the looks obvious

Question:How do you avoid having a hair transplant the looks obvious? Answer:The days of obvious hair transplants are slowly going away because the newer and more innovative techniques used in hair transplantation now lead to much more undetectable results. I still, however, think it is important that a patient look around and ask the opinions […]

Special considerations for women hair transplants

Question:If a woman gets a hair transplant are there any special considerations as to how she has to have her hair styled after surgery? Can she grow her hair long? Answer:The postoperative care for both men and women is the same. Generally, females have longer hair prior to the hair transplant procedure and can therefore […]

What leads to a wide donor scar

Question:What leads to a wide donor scar and how can this be avoided? Answer:Wide donor scars are usually the result of a wound that is closed with too much tension along the upper and lower edges of the wound. In hair transplantation, this can occur when the donor strip is removed for the transplantation procedure. […]

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