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Category Archives: Plastic Surgery

I have heard that large or stretched scars can be a problem with some hair transplants

Question:I have heard that large or stretched scars can be a problem with some hair transplants. Is this not the case with FUE? Answer:Larger donor scars from hair transplantation procedures are much more of an issue when the donor area is removed using a strip-type procedure. With the newer suturing techniques, two-layer closures and tricophitic […]

Is it normal to have pain in the donor area

Question:Is it normal to have pain in the donor area after an FUE procedure? This whole area is very sensitive since my surgery. Answer:Yes, it is relatively normal to have some pain post operatively in the donor area following Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) hair transplantation procedures. In most cases the discomfort subsides over the first few […]

I am an Asian male and interested in getting a hair transplant

Question:I am an Asian male and interested in getting a hair transplant. I have been debating between FUE and FUT and was just wondering if Asians have an increased risk of scarring with FUE. Answer:No, to my knowledge there is no additional risk in Asians regarding scarring and Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) hair transplantation procedures. There […]

I have a question about FUE versus FUT

Question:I have a question about FUE versus FUT. With FUT it is my understanding that the scalp is actually removed whereas with FUE the hairs are just removed throughout the donor area. Does this mean that the donor area with FUE becomes thinner? How noticeable is the thinning? Answer:The Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) is in […]

I am a 42-year-old African American female

Question:I am a 42-year-old African American female. My hairline is not receding but has always been high. I hate how big my forehead looks and bangs have just never looked good on me. Can this be fixed with a transplant and are there any concerns regarding keloid scarring? Answer:Yes, a hairline can be lowered in […]

Side effects specific to African American hair and the use of Rogaine

Question:I was wondering if there are any side effects specific to African American hair and the use of Rogaine or Propecia? Answer:The side effects that are possible with either the use of Rogaine/minoxidil or Propecia/finasteride are the same in both African Americans and Caucasians. There has not been any specific list that has differentiated the […]

After a hair transplant does the hair grow at a normal rate

Question:After a hair transplant does the hair grow at a normal rate? Will the color and curl be the same? Answer:Following hair transplantation procedures there is a three to five month delay in the growth of the transplanted follicles. This is called the dormant phase of the hair follicles and is a normal occurrence following […]

Scheduled a hair transplant session for my hairline

Question:I have scheduled a hair transplant session for my hairline. I still have thick hair in the middle in the front but the sides have receded. After I have the transplant, do you recommend that I take Propecia and would this be for the rest of my life? Answer:After a hair transplantation procedure to the […]

My hair loss is roughly a IV on the Norwood Scale

Question:My hair loss is roughly a IV on the Norwood Scale and I would love some type of hair transplant but three months ago I got into an accident and I have a scar on my bald patch. Is it possible to get a hair transplant in this area and is it too soon to […]

I do not see many bald women but I am losing my hair at a rapid pace

Question:I do not see many bald women but I am losing my hair at a rapid pace. I am a young 77 years old and do not want to be bald. Would you recommend trying medication to prevent hair loss and which would you recommend? Answer:At 77 years of age I feel that most patients […]

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